Sunday, November 2, 2014

School Essay: A Reflection on Elder Abuse

A Reflection on Elder Abuse
Leslie K. Penny
Module 8 Reflection Paper 5
Chancellor University

The following essay is a reflection on my feelings towards elder abuse and how it could potentially affect the future of my elderly parents.  The horror stories that pop up after a simple Bing search is astounding and heartbreaking.  The fact that there are so many human beings that would stoop to such low levels as to take advantage of those that cannot fend for themselves anymore is atrocious.  But for those individuals to then physically abuse them, even murder an elderly individual is ghastly.  Awareness is always so important in these abuse situations.   The elderly cannot, in most cases, physically get help for themselves.  It is up to strangers, most of the time, to step in and protect those that are defenseless. 

A Reflection on Elder Abuse
            When one hears the words, Elder Abuse, many horror stories probably come to mind.  I am most certain everyone has seen a report on the news of an elderly individual being the victim of abuse by a family member, being assaulted in a criminal case, or the absolute horrific treatment some elders have been victim to in assisted living situations.  It is a rather sad pandemic that many do not hear about until serious injury has come to the elderly individual or there has been a death.  Thankfully, it has gotten more public attention in recent years, since the 80's, and is a matter we younger generation are well aware exists (Roberson, 2011).
            According to Wallace and Roberson, "elder abuse is any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver of any other person that causes harm or serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult" (p. 287).  Abuse to the elderly encompasses physical abuse such as "inflicting, or threatening to inflict, physical pain or injury on a vulnerable elder, or depriving them of a basic need" (Roberson, 2011), emotional abuse includes "inflicting  mental pain, anguish, or distress on an elder person through verbal or nonverbal acts" (Roberson, 2011), sexual abuse involves non-consensual sexual contact of any kind" (Roberson, 2011), exploitation includes "illegal taking, misuse, or concealment of funds, property, or assets of a vulnerable elder" (Roberson, 2011), neglect, which is the "refusal or failure by those responsible to provide food, shelter, health care, or protection for a vulnerable elder" (Roberson, 2011), and, lastly, abandonment that consists of "the desertion of a vulnerable elder by anyone who has assumed the responsibility for care of custody of that person" (Roberson, 2011). 
            It is amazing to think of what an individual is capable of in regards to the heinous actions towards another.  Especially towards the elderly who, more often than not, cannot defend for themselves.  Elder abuse can be at the hands of their loved ones, individuals claiming to be friends, health care workers, perfect strangers, even the justice system.  The elderly are extremely vulnerable and it is a shame that the scum of the Earth use that to their advantage.  The thought is frightening.  Where will I end up when I become too incapacitated to take care of myself?
            Even in the case where a trusted child is put in control and that child wants nothing more than to do exactly what his/her parent wishes, sometimes even then the control is taken away in the legal court system.  Such is the case of Diane, who's elderly mother had given her power of attorney as well as naming Diane her healthcare proxy (Fargiano, 2011).  Even with this designation, Diane, with the advice from her family, filed for legal guardianship to ensure her mother's wishes were granted as dementia began to take a foot hold in her mother's mind (Fargiano, 2011). 
            However, the judge in this case decided he would make the best decisions concerning Diane's moms care by assigning a law guardian and a healthcare manager, removing Dianne completely from the decision making process (Fargiano, 2011).  Make a long story short, the law guardian had a reverse mortgage approved for $275000 on Diane's moms house, which she owned for 60 years (Fargiano, 2011).  The magistrate authorized the financial decision claiming the money would help pay for Diane's mom to live in the house for roughly five years while, in the mean time, all of that money has already been spent as well as $325,000 worth of social security and some small pensions were all frittered away in a twenty-four month period (Fargiano, 2011).  The article goes on to point out several other atrocities towards Diane's mom and it just makes you sick and angry. 
            A while back I saw a news report of a young health care provider hitting an elderly man over and over again because he had soiled himself while bed ridden.  The footage shows a very skinny old man with his twig forearms up in the air in defense while this woman just lays into him over and over again.  These were not light slaps, she was using her whole arm, extended over her head, and just beat him.  She hit his head, his chest, his stomach.  It was obvious to see that she was in a rage and was taking the job that she willingly signed up for out on him because she was now going to have to clean him up.
            It really takes a special individual to give their love and care for those that can't take care of themselves anymore.  It breaks your heart to see and hear stories of defenseless elderly being abused.  You think back on their life, at one point being heroes of some kind, veterans of war, mothers who have birthed their children and worked a hard life on their feet for decades at a time just to come to a point where all control is taken out of their hands and be at the mercy of a paid individual or a family member waiting for them to pass on to make out with what they can.  You think about how strong an individual was at one point who only has their freedom, personal possessions and independence left after all of their siblings have passed on, the loss of their significant other, or incapacitated by an illness they can't control.  Some elderly are angry, scared, lack financial funds, lack transportation, can no longer do simple tasks.  It is a very scary thought.  Not one I am ready to ever experience.  You do not know who's hands you'll be in once the point comes where you can no long provide or take care of yourself. 
            After becoming more aware if this problem that our elderly face, it makes me feel a strong need to get out there and do what I can to help those that are being abused.  To at least pick up on the warning signs and do something about it.  Unfortunately, my Grandparents have all passed away over a decade ago, but I am happy to report, they passed on with those they loved and with their personal possessions around them.   Now that my parents are getting on in years, they are preparing for their inevitable need of care or death.  My mother wants her last days to be on the family farm but no one lives there anymore so there will need to be some planning on that part.  I, personally, can't stand the thought of putting her in someone else's care.  Taking her away from her home, her safety, her identity, is a very sad thought.  Worrying that she may fall victim to elder abuse breaks my heart.  All I can do is be educated in the matter. 

Works Cited

Fargiano, J. (2011, 08 30). A Heartbreaking Story of Elder Abuse . Retrieved 04 24, 2013, from Ezine Articles:
Roberson, H. W. (2011). Family Violence: Legal, Medical, and Social Perspectives. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

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