Sunday, November 2, 2014

School Essay: Effective Writing Guidlines

              To some, writing doesn't come naturally and can be a dilemma in ones writing future either in the class room or in their personal lives.  Writing is a very important element in getting information across to many different audiences.  If the information is not portrayed correctly then we have a breakdown of communication.  With that comes complete chaos in the story that's being told.  However, one can overcome such obstacles by following these six simple guidelines: correct spelling, proper grammar, appropriate word choice, variable sentence structure, logical organization and a unique style. 
               Incorrect spelling can spell disaster for an otherwise well intentioned, well written and organized paper.  However, if attention is paid to the spelling this disaster can be averted.  Using a word processors spell check tool is always advised as well as having a friend or family member proofread the finished product for errors.  The following links can provide assistance with spelling errors :, and
               Using proper grammar and punctuation is a must.  Poor grammar reflects badly on ones paper and undermines the effectiveness of their writing.  One way to fix grammar mistakes is by consulting a grammar book or style guide to touch up on rules of grammar.   Word processors have a grammar tool to use at ones convenience but don't depend on it completely to catch all the mistakes.  Proofreading is always ones best effort at catching grammatical mistakes.  These links provide valuable information regarding grammatical errors:, and
               Using appropriate words for the story one is trying to get across is necessary to achieve their goal.  The broader ones vocabulary is, the more precisely one will be able to convey the idea.  However, one must always keep in mind the audience, subject, and context of their writing to guarantee words being used are appropriate.  The following links give examples of appropriate word usage:, and
               Another important guideline is using variable sentence structure.  This simply means to vary the length and complexity of one's sentences to avoid repetitiveness.  Having too many short and simple sentences in a row leads to a boring effect.  Having too many long and complex sentences will distract the reader and make it hard for them to follow.  The following examples should clarify variable sentence structure:, and
               Logical organization is the natural way to effective writing.  Ones writing should reflect order and structure.  The thesis and subordinate ideas should have a logical flow that makes sense and should be supported with clear and appropriate examples.  The following websites show how one can organize their thoughts in a clearer manner:, and
               Lastly, ones writing needs to have a unique style to set their writing apart from others.  Allowing ones personality to ever so slightly shine in their writing breathes life into it while still maintaining the principles of good writing.  The sources listed below explain why it's important to have a unique style in ones writing:, and
               Now that each guideline to effective writing has been broken down and sources have been provided to assist one in their future writing career, all that is left to do is to reiterate the importance of following the above guidelines.   To recap, one must always check their spelling before submitting their written work, proper grammar is essential to expressing one's self clearly and effectively, know which words convey what one really intends to express, alternate shorter sentences with longer ones, simpler sentences with more complex ones, keep ideas in order by following key ideas with supporting details and  allow ones personality to show.  

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